Friday, November 13, 2009

Jack is doing ok,he doesn't really have no interest in his pellets anymore,he started to eat just a few pellets yesterday,I have noticed his eating habbits are starting to change,sometimes he just doesn't want anything to eat at the time,but will have something like hay later on...i worry when he won't eat much...but i guess i have to expect that sometime.
Jack is such a wonderful bunny.


  1. Hey Cheryl,

    If Jack is staying a good weight, I wouldn't worry, too much. I'm sure your other bunnies have finicky moods, too, and not every bunny wants pellets all the time. Sometimes, my two guys devour their pellets, and other times, they leave a bunch to waste. It's weird, but I've learned not to worry about it.

  2. Hi Gordon,
    Yeah i know your right,i just worry a bit to much,which i know i gotta stop...somehow...i wish i could just have my old Jack back,i wish so much this never ever happened to him.

  3. Cheryl,

    I've never dealt with anything like what you're going through. Jack's in good hands.

  4. Gordon...It's a very emontional thing..for me anyway...but what an amazing little bunny he is.
