Friday, October 9, 2009

Thank goodness for Friday..yay!
Jack is still doing's funny cause he's doing much better than me!
You know when i got the results of Jack's xray's,it devestated me as i never expected news like i got,i just thought he might be getting arthritis...even though that is bad enough.
I went home that day from the vet and just worried about my boy....Jonathon(the vet)never told me that eventually Jack would stop hopping,or maybe he told me and i was just to devestated with the news that i didn't hear him,anyway it wasn't until i read about another bunny on the web that had the same problem as Jack,and she lost her ability to hop,i cried,i absolutely cried cause i knew what was going to happen to Jack,but i never realized that it would happen so quick as it did,it was very hard on me in the beginning,it was especially hard when i came home from work one day and Jack could no longer hop,something i never wanted to see,now i'm faced with it every day,it took a while for me to adjust to Jack's new life,then i think how hard it must be for him to have adjusted to his new way as well....I guess you could say that Jack and me just learned to adjust together.
He's still a happy boy,i can see it in his eyes.

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